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Contributed Talks

All participants are invited to give a talk of 20 minutes on one of the topics of the conference.

The abstract should be up to a page in length, and written in LaTeX as in the example file bcc20abs.tex


Please note that a talk has one speaker - co-authors of the research should be included as indicated.

Remember to include the appropriate code(s) from the Mathematics Subject Classification 2000.

Send your abstract both as a Latex file and as a pdf file by 31 May 2005, to

If your mailer allows it, please send the tex and pdf files of your abstract as two separate e-mail attachments rather than in the body of the e-mail. It would be helpful if the body of your message could contain any special requirements (the lecture rooms are provided with boards and overhead projectors) and a statement of whether or not you intend to submit a paper for the special edition of Discrete Mathematics.

You will be informed in due course if your abstract has been accepted.

Papers based on the contributed talks may be submitted for a special issue of the journal Discrete Mathematics, guest editor Keith Edwards.

Here is the information for contributors.