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Change does not Change

Professor of Software Engineering
School of Computing & Communications
The Open University
Milton Keynes, UK
My research focus on the exploration and development of automated techniques for improving software development processes, in terms of the performance of both software engineers and the software artefacts that they produce.
  • Privacy-Aware UAV Flights through Self-Configuring Motion Planning
  • Learning to Classify Algorithms by All Means
  • fAST: Flattening Abstract Syntax Trees in Action
  • ConCodeSe: Locating bugs without Looking back

  • Dragonfly: a Tool Simulating Self-Adaptive Drone Behaviours
  • Handling Facebook Evidence using Verifiable Limited Disclosure

  • Building IoT Software Like Piecing a Puzzle

  • From Bird Watching to Watching Bird
    If we'd used the cloud, we might know where MH370 is now
  • Right hammer versus right nail?
    Requirements and Architectures for Adaptive Twin Peaks
  • When and to whom shall you disclose private information?
    Privacy arguments: analysing selective disclosure requirements for mobile applications.
  • How to monitor classified states of goals?
    Stateful requirements monitoring for self-repairing socio-technical systems.
  • How to protect your changes in generated code?
    Maintaining invariant traceability through bi-directional transformations.
  • Can enterprise benefit from adaptive UI?
    Using interpreted runtime models for devising adaptive user interfaces of enterprise applications.
  • What changes matter to you?
    Specifying and detecting meaningful changes in programs.
  • Is your PIN entry device secure?
    RISA: a risk-based argumentation method for practical security.
  • Are your sites down?
    Requirements-driven self-tuning for the survivability of web systems.
  • What has happened to the Eclipse architecture over time?
    Assessing architectural evolution.
  • Can we model requirements together?
    Using OpenRE: the Open Requirements Engineering lab.
  • In Rust We Trust
    `Big Code' Forensic Analytics for Secure Software Engineering
    The Drone Identity
    Privacy-Aware UAV Flights through Self-Configuring Motion Planning
    LiveBox: A Self-Adaptive Forensic-Ready Service for Drones
    Requirements Engineering for Cyber Physical Systems
    Environment-Centric Safety Requirements for Autonomous Unmanned Systems
    Cautious Adaptation of Defiant Components ASE'19
    AutoFocus: Interpreting Attention-based Neural Networks by Code Perturbation ASE'19
    Learning Cross-Language API Mappings with Little Knowledge
    Bilateral Neural Networks
    a 100x faster parser for any programming language
    Book on Engineering Adaptive Software Systems
    Keynote at ESPRE@RE'18
    Requirements and Specifications for Adaptive Security won the Best Paper Award at SEAMS@ICSE conference
    Nesta Fly High Challenge -- Shaping the future of drones in UK cities Nesta TfL
    NL4SE -- Statistical Natural Language Modelling of SE Corpora @ FSE'18
    Spoken Syntax
    Live Blackboxes: Requirements for Tracking and Verifying Aircraft in Motion Azure Research Award Amazon Research Award
    Security Bugs Classification TSE paper and jounral 1st presentation at FSE'18.
    Chunmiao Li receives a Student Research Competition award on Collaborative Software Development Environment through Bidirectional Transformations. APLAS'17 conference
    How websites watch your every move and ignore privacy settings?
    Maintaining open-source projects such as riskexplore, openpf, bison, ...
    Visual Simple Transformations: Empowering End-Users to Wire Internet of Things Objects

    Requirements-driven design of autonomic application software received the Most Influential Paper Award from IBM sponsored conferences CASCON.
    The aftermath of mystery flight MH370: what can requirements engineers do?
    On Protecting Privacy in the Cloud
    The aftermath of mystery flight MH370: what can engineers do?
    How a hacker could hijack a plane from their seat
    Can animals help us predict earthquakes?
    Connecting animals to the cloud could help predict earthquakes
    If airlines offer in-flight Wi-Fi, they should invest in an extra black box for security
    Germanwings flight 4U9525: a victim of the deadlock between safety and security demands
    The (relatively) simple fix that could prevent planes like AirAsia QZ8100px1 from disappearing
    AirAsia flight QZ8100px1: how cloud computing could help prevent air disasters
    Deep learning could prevent you from drunk posting to Facebook
    OU Research at SET for BRITAIN
    Adaptive sharing for online social networks: a trade-off between privacy risk and social benefit Best Paper Award at IEEE TrustCom'14
    The 445 billion dollar question of how to tackle cyber crime
    Black box scuffle could mask the truth about flight MH17
    How to improve security and privacy so patients can use social media in hospitals?
    Strong presence of Open University Researchers at ICSE'14
    Ephraim Hardcastle, Daily Mail Online
    Interviewed by Dan Damon from BBC World Service
    Interviewed by John Humphrys from BBC Radio 4
    How to turn three pings into results in the hunt for MH370
    Geek of the Week (Exclusive interview)
    To Keep Track of Airplanes, Think of Them Like Bitcoins
    If we’d used the cloud, we might know where MH370 is now
    Best poster award at IEEE RE'13
    Best paper award at ACM SIGCHI EICS'13

    Email: Office: +44 (0) 1908 6 55562