Mike Grannell

My papers

The following is a list of my research publications. From roughly 1998 onwards, they are downloadable as electronic preprints, with a few earlier ones also available. Most are in pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format, but a few are as ps (Postscript) files or as doc (MS-Word) files. Generally the copyright is owned by the publisher indicated.

Warning: some publications contain diagrams which may be missing or incomplete in the electronic preprint. The published version should be regarded as the definitive version.
  1. Some properties of certain function spaces and some associated topics in the theory of functions of a real variable. Ph.D. Thesis, London, 1970, 204pp. 

  2. The food manufacturing industry - various company and industrial surveys. Published privately for circulation to clients by Phillips and Drew (Stockbrokers),1970-1972, c.500pp.

  3. Some generalisations of Wiener's representation theorem. Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2), 13, 1976, 265-274.

  4. The content of an equiangular hexagon with integral sides. (With T.S. Griggs, D.A. Parker and R.J. Gadsden.) Preston Polytechnic, 1976, 7pp.

  5. A non-symmetric cyclic Steiner quadruple system. (With T.S. Griggs.) Preston Polytechnic, 1978, 3pp.

  6. A note on the Steiner systems S(5, 6, 24). (With T.S. Griggs.) Ars Combinatoria, 8, 1979, 45-48.

  7. On the structure of S-cyclic Steiner quadruple systems. (With T.S. Griggs.) Ars Combinatoria, 9, 1980, 51-58.

  8. Product constructions for cyclic Steiner systems. (With T.S. Griggs.) Abstracts of the American Mathematical Society (2), 4, 1981, 395.

  9. An enumeration of S-cyclic SQS(26). (With T.S. Griggs.) Utilitas Mathematica, 20, 1981, 249-259.

  10. A cyclic Steiner quadruple system of order 32. (With T.S. Griggs.) Discrete Mathematics, 38, 1982, 109-111.

  11. Some recent result on cyclic Steiner quadruple systems - a survey. (With T.S. Griggs.) Annals of Discrete Mathematics, 18, 1983, 409-418.

  12. S-cyclic Steiner systems. (With T.S. Griggs.) Ars Combinatoria, 16A, 1983, 173-188.

  13. Product constructions for cyclic block designs - I: Steiner quadruple systems. (With T.S. Griggs.) Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 36, 1984, 56-65.

  14. Derived Steiner triple systems of order 15. (With T.S. Griggs.) Annals of Discrete Mathematics, 26, 1985, 185-208.

  15. Product constructions for cyclic block designs -II: Steiner 2-designs. (With T.S. Griggs.) Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 42, 1986, 179-183.

  16. On Steiner systems S(3, 5, 26). (With T.S. Griggs and J.S. Phelan.) Annals of Discrete Mathematics, 34, 1987, 197-206.

  17. Countably infinite Steiner triple systems. (With T.S. Griggs and J.S. Phelan.) Ars Combinatoria, 24B, 1987, 189-216.

  18. Forging Higher Education Links with an Isolated Community: West Cumbria College as a Case Study. (With M.G. Abramson and A.E. Clutton.) Journal of Access Studies, Vol. 2, part 2, 1987, 90-91.

  19. Some applications of computers in design theory. (With T.S. Griggs.) Published by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications in "Computers in Mathematical Research", N.M. Stephens and M.P. Thorne (eds.), 1988, 135-148.

  20. A new look at an old construction for Steiner triple systems. (With T.S. Griggs and J.S. Phelan.) Ars Combinatoria, 25A, 1988, 55-60.

  21. Forging Higher Education Links with an Isolated Community: West Cumbria College as a Case Study. (With M.G. Abramson, A.E. Clutton and others.) Development Fund Project Report, 1989, 153pp.

  22. Forging Higher Education Links with an Isolated Community. (With M.G. Abramson.) Briefing Paper Number 23, June 1990, 7pp.

  23. On infinite Steiner systems. (With T.S. Griggs and J.S. Phelan.) Discrete Mathematics, 97, 1991, 199-202.

  24. Equivalence classes of Steiner triple systems. (With T.S. Griggs and J. P. Murphy.) Congressus Numerantium, 86, 1992, 19-25.

  25. On Steiner systems S(5, 6, 48). (With T.S. Griggs and R. Mathon.) Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 12, 1992, p77-96.

  26. Some Steiner 5-designs with 108 and 132 points. (With T.S. Griggs and R. Mathon.) Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 1, 1993, 213-238.

  27. A Steiner system S(5, 6, 108). (With T.S. Griggs.) Discrete Mathematics, 125, 1994, 183-186.

  28. An introduction to Steiner systems. (With T.S. Griggs). Mathematical Spectrum, 26, 1994, 74-80.

  29. A small basis for four-line configurations in Steiner triple systems. (With T. S. Griggs and E. Mendelsohn.) Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 3, 1995, 51-59.

  30. Continuity of Mendelsohn and Steiner triple systems.(With T. S. Griggs and J. S. Phelan.) Discrete Mathematics, 138, 1995, 247-253.

  31. Self-managed Study in Mathematics using Text and Video. (With D. A. Parker and E. J. Halton.) Open Learning Foundation, 1996, 38pp. ISBN 1 86050 009 9.

  32. Five-line configurations in Steiner triple systems. (With P. Danziger, T. S. Griggs and E. Mendelsohn.) Utilitas Mathematica, 49, 1996, 153-159.

  33. Mathematics: picking up the pieces. (With P. Edwards.) In "Maths & Stats", (CTI Centres for Mathematics and Statistics quarterly newsletter), 8 (2), 1997, 37-39.

  34. Twin Steiner triple systems. (With T. S. Griggs and J. P. Murphy.) Discrete Mathematics, 167/168, 1997, 341-352.

  35. Perfect Steiner triple systems. (With T. S. Griggs and J. P. Murphy.) Abstracts of the American Mathematical Society, 18, 1997, 619.

  36. Steiner systems S(5,6,v) with v=72 and 84. (With T. S. Griggs and R. Mathon.) Mathematics of Computation, 67, 1998, no.221, 357-359, S1-S9.

  37. On the 2-parallel chromatic index of Steiner triple systems. (With P. Danziger, T.S. Griggs and A. Rosa.) Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 17, 1998, 109-131.

  38. Surface embeddings of Steiner triple systems. (With T. S. Griggs and J. Siran.) Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 6, 1998, 325-336.

  39. Face 2-colourable triangular embeddings of complete graphs. (With T. S. Griggs and J. Siran.) Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 74, 1998, 8-19.

  40. Configurations in Steiner triple systems. (With T. S. Griggs.) In "Combinatorial Designs and their Applications", F. C. Holroyd, K. A. S. Quinn, C. Rowley and B. S. Webb (eds.), Chapman & Hall / CRC Press Research Notes in Mathematics series, 403, 1999, 103-126.

  41. Cycles in 2-factorizations. (With A. Rosa.) Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 29, 1999, 41-64.

  42. The smallest defining set of a Steiner triple system. (With T. S. Griggs and J. Wallace.) Utilitas Mathematica, 55, 1999, 113-121.

  43. Some new perfect Steiner triple systems. (With T. S. Griggs and J. P. Murphy.) Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 7, 1999, 327-330.

  44. Mendelsohn directed triple systems. (With T. S. Griggs and K. A. S. Quinn.) Discrete Mathematics, 205, 1999, 85-96.

  45. A census of minimal pair-coverings with restricted largest block length. (With T. S. Griggs, K. A. S. Quinn and R. G. Stanton.) Ars Combinatoria, 52, 1999, 71-96.

  46. Switching cycles in Steiner triple systems. (With T. S. Griggs and J. P. Murphy.) Utilitas Mathematica, 56, 1999, 3-21

  47. Three-line chromatic indices of Steiner triple systems. (With T. S. Griggs and A. Rosa.) Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 21, 2000, 67-84.

  48. Exponential families of non-isomorphic triangulations of complete graphs. (With C. P. Bonnington, T. S. Griggs and J. Siran.) Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 78, 2000, 169-184.

  49. Bi-embeddings of the projective space PG(3,2). (With G. K. Bennett and T. S. Griggs.) Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 86, 2000, 321-329.

  50. On exact bicoverings of 12 points. (With J. L. Allston, T. S. Griggs, K. A. S. Quinn and R. G. Stanton.) Ars Combinatoria, 55, 2000, 147-159.

  51. On directed designs with block size five. (With A. Bowler, T. S. Griggs and K. A. S. Quinn.) Journal of Geometry, 67, 2000, 50-60.

  52. Construction techniques for anti-Pasch Steiner triple systems. (With A. C. H. Ling, C. J. Colbourn and T. S. Griggs.) Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2), 61, 2000, 641-657.

  53. The resolution of the anti-Pasch conjecture. (With T. S. Griggs and C. A. Whitehead.) Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 8, 2000, 300-309.

  54. Triple systems with tripoints. (With T. S. Griggs, K. A. S. Quinn and R. G. Stanton.) Utilitas Mathematica, 57, 2000, 97-108.

  55. Proper edge-colourings of complete graphs. (With T. S. Griggs, W. L. Kocay, K. A. S. Quinn and R. G. Stanton.) Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 33, 2000, 103-116.

  56. Non-isomorphic solutions for some triple systems with bipoints. (With T. S. Griggs, K. A. S. Quinn and R. G. Stanton.) Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 34, 2000, 51-58.

  57. All admissible 3-(v,4,l) directed designs exist. (With T. S. Griggs and K. A. S. Quinn.) Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 35, 2000, 65-70.

  58. Cuboctahedron designs. (With T. S. Griggs and F. C. Holroyd.) Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 35, 2000, 185-191.

  59. Pairwise balanced designs on 4s+1 points with longest block of cardinality 2s. (With J. L. Allston, T. S. Griggs and R. G. Stanton.) Utilitas Mathematica, 58, 2000, 97-107.

  60. Cyclic bi-embeddings of Steiner triple systems on 31 points. (With G. K. Bennett and T. S. Griggs.) Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 43, 2001, 145-151.

  61. The triangle chromatic index of Steiner triple systems. (With T. S. Griggs and R. Hill.) Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 23, 2001, 217-230.

  62. Modular gracious labellings of trees. (With T. S. Griggs and F. C. Holroyd.) Discrete Mathematics, 231, 2001, 199-219.

  63. Bi-embeddings of Steiner triple systems of order 15. (With G. K. Bennett and T. S. Griggs.) Graphs and Combinatorics, 17, 2001, 193-197.

  64. The proof of the anti-Pasch conjecture. (With T. S. Griggs.) M-Scape, 14, 2001, 9-12.

  65. The Pasch configuration. (With T. S. Griggs.) The Kluwer Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Supplement III, 2002, 299-300.

  66. Recursive constructions for triangulations. (With T. S. Griggs and J. Siran.) Journal of Graph Theory, 39, 2002, 87-107.

  67. Cyclic bi-embeddings of Steiner triple systems on 12s+7 points. (With G. K. Bennett and T. S. Griggs.) Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 10, 2002, 92-110.

  68. On large sets of v-1 L-intersecting Steiner triple systems of order v. (With F. Franek, T. S. Griggs and A. Rosa.) Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 26, 2002, 243-256.

  69. On the bi-embeddability of certain Steiner triple systems of order 15. (With G. K. Bennett and T. S. Griggs.) European Journal of Combinatorics, 23, 2002, 499-505.

  70. On colourings of Steiner triple systems. (With A. D. Forbes and T. S. Griggs.) Discrete Mathematics, 261, 2003, 255-276.

  71. On the volume of 4-cycle trades. (With D. E. Bryant, T. S. Griggs and B. M. Maenhaut.) Graphs and Combinatorics, 19, 2003, 53-63.

  72. On the minimal nonzero distance between triangular embeddings of a complete graph. (With T. S. Griggs, V. P. Korzhik and J. Siran.) Discrete Mathematics, 269, 2003, 149-160.

  73. Large sets of large sets of Steiner triple systems of order 9. (With D. E. Bryant and T. S. Griggs.) Utilitas Mathematica, 64, 2003, 115-118.

  74. More on exact bicoverings of 12 points. (With T. S. Griggs, B. M. Maenhaut, K. A. S. Quinn and R. G. Stanton.) Ars Combinatoria, 69, 2003, 197-213.

  75. Face two-colourable triangulations of K_{13}. (With T. S. Griggs and M. Knor.) Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 47, 2003, 75-81.

  76. Regular Hamiltonian embeddings of the complete bipartite graph K_{n,n} in an orientable surface. (With T. S. Griggs and M. Knor.) Congressus Numerantium, 163, 2003, 197-205.

  77. Configurations and trades in Steiner triple systems. (With A. D. Forbes and T. S. Griggs.) Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 29, 2004, 75-84.

  78. A Steiner triple system which colours all cubic graphs. (With T. S Griggs, M. Knor and M. Skoviera.) Journal of Graph Theory, 46, 2004, 15-24.

  79. Minimal perfect bicoverings of  K_v with block sizes two, three and four. (With R. G. Stanton and T. S. Griggs.) Ars Combinatoria, 71, 2004, 125-138.

  80. Independent sets in Steiner triple systems. (With A. D. Forbes and T. S. Griggs.) Ars Combinatoria, 72, 2004, 161-169.

  81. Nonorientable biembeddings of Steiner triple systems. (With V. P. Korzhik.) Discrete Mathematics, 285, 2004, 121-126.

  82. Configurations in 4-cycle systems. (With D. E. Bryant, T. S. Griggs and M. Macaj.) Graphs and Combinatorics, 20, 2004, 161-179.

  83. Non-orientable biembeddings of Steiner triple systems of order 15. (With G. K. Bennett and T. S. Griggs.) Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 73 (1), 2004, 101-106.

  84. Biembeddings of Latin squares and Hamiltonian decompositions. (With T. S. Griggs and M. Knor.) Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 46, 2004, 443-457.

  85. Exponential lower bounds for the numbers of Skolem-type sequences. (With G. K. Bennett and T. S. Griggs.) Ars Combinatoria, 73, 2004, 101-106.

  86. On λ-fold coverings with maximum block size four for λ = 3, 4 and 5. (With T. S. Griggs and R. G. Stanton.) Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 51, 2004, 221-230.

  87. On λ-fold coverings with maximum block size four for λ ≥ 6. (With T. S. Griggs and R. G. Stanton.) Utilitas Mathematica, 66, 2004, 221-230.

  88. Biembeddings of symmetric configurations of triples. (With T. S. Griggs and M. Knor) Proceedings of MaGiA conference, Kocovce 2004, Slovak University of Technology, 2004, 106-112.

  89. Maximum genus embeddings of Steiner triple systems. (With T. S. Griggs and J. Siran.) European Journal of Combinatorics, 26, 2005, 401-416.

  90. Large sets of cycle systems on nine points. (With D. E. Bryant and T. S. Griggs.)  Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 53, 2005. 95-102.

  91. Steiner triple systems and existentially closed graphs. (With A. D. Forbes and T. S. Griggs.) Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 12, 2005, R42, 11pp.

  92. On independent sets. (With A. D. Forbes and T. S. Griggs.) Mathematica Slovaca, 55, 2005, no. 4, 375-377.

  93. On 6-sparse Steiner triple systems. (With A. D. Forbes and T. S. Griggs.) Abstracts of the American Mathematical Society, 26, 2005, no.4, 688.

  94. On the covering number g_1^{(4)}(18). (With T. S. Griggs, R. G. Stanton and C. A. Whitehead.) Utilitas Mathematica, 68, 2005, 131-143.

  95. Diagonally switchable 4-cycle systems. (With P. Adams, D. E. Bryant and T. S. Griggs.) Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 34, 2006, 145-152.

  96. Triangulations of orientable surfaces by complete tripartite graphs. (With T. S. Griggs, M. Knor and J. Siran.) Discrete Mathematics, 306, 2006, 600-606.

  97. A flaw in the use of minimal defining sets for secret sharing schemes. (With T. S. Griggs and A. P. Street.) Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 40, 2006, 225-236.

  98. Small surface trades in triangular embeddings. (With G. K. Bennett, T. S. Griggs, V. P. Korzhik and J. Siran.) Discrete Mathematics, 306, 2006, 2637-2646.

  99. Orientable self-embeddings of Steiner triple systems of order 15. (With G. K. Bennett and T. S. Griggs.) Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 75, 2006, 163-172.

  100. On 6-sparse Steiner triple systems. (With A. D. Forbes and T. S. Griggs.) Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 114, 2007, 235-252.

  101. Distance and fractional isomorphism in Steiner triple systems. (With A. D. Forbes and T. S. Griggs.) Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, 56, 2007, 17-32.

  102. Hamiltonian embeddings from triangulations. (With T. S. Griggs and J. Siran.) Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 39, 2007, 447-452.

  103. New type B colourable S(2, 4, v) designs. (With A. D. Forbes and T. S. Griggs.) Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 15, 2007, 357-368.

  104. Designs and topology. (With T. S. Griggs.) Invited paper for the 2007 British Combinatorial Conference, in "Surveys in Combinatorics 2007", Cambridge University Press, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 346 (ISBN13: 9780521698238), 2007, 121-174.

  105. On the small covering numbers g^{(5)}_1(v). (With A. D. Forbes, T. S. Griggs and R. G. Stanton.) Utilitas Mathematica, 74, 2007, 77-96.

  106. The design of the century. (With A. D. Forbes and T. S. Griggs.) Mathematica Slovaca, 57, 2007, 495-499.

  107. Biembeddings of Latin squares of side 8. (With T. S. Griggs and M. Knor.) Quasigroups and Related Systems, 15, 2007, 273-278.

  108. A lower bound for the number of triangular embeddings of some complete graphs and complete regular tripartite graphs. (With T. S. Griggs.) Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 98, 2008, 637-650.

  109. Biembeddings of symmetric configurations and 3-homogeneous Latin trades. (With T. S. Griggs and M. Knor.) Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 49, 2008, 411-420.

  110. A census of the orientable biembeddings of Steiner triple systems of order 15. (With T. S. Griggs, M. Knor and A. R. W. Thrower.) Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 42, 2008, 253-259.

  111. A constraint on the biembedding of Latin squares. (With J. G. Lefevre, D. M. Donovan and T. S. Griggs.)  European Journal of  Combinatorics, 30, 2009, 380-386.

  112. Bounds on g^{(5)}_1(v) for v\equiv 9, 13, 17 (mod 20). (With T. S. Griggs and R. G. Stanton.) Utilitas Mathematica, 78, 2009, 79-92.

  113. Orientable biembeddings of Steiner triple systems of order 15. (With T. S. Griggs and M. Knor.) Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 68, 2009, 129-136.

  114. Orientable biembeddings of cyclic Steiner triple systems from current assignments on Mobius ladder graphs. (With V. P. Korzhik.) Discrete Mathematics, 309, 2009, 2847-2860.

  115. Smallest defining sets of directed designs. (With T. S. Griggs and K. A. S. Quinn.) Discrete Mathematics, 309, 2009, 4810-4818.

  116. Embeddings and designs. (With T. S. Griggs.) In ``Topics in Topological Graph Theory'', edited by R. J. Wilson and L. W. Beineke. Cambridge University Press (ISBN-13: 9780521802307), 2009.

  117. Further 6-sparse Steiner triple systems. (With A. D. Forbes and T. S. Griggs.) Graphs and Combinatorics, 25, 2009, 49-64. 

  118. Wilson-Schreiber colourings of cubic graphs. (With T. S. Griggs, E. Macajova and M. Skoviera.) Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 34, 2009, 225-229.

  119. On biembeddings of Latin squares. (With T. S. Griggs and M. Knor.) Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 16(1), 2009, R106, 12pp.

  120. Small bowtie systems: an enumeration. (With T. S. Griggs, G. LoFaro and A. Tripodi.) Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 70, 2009, 149-159.

  121. Biembeddings of Abelian groups. (With M. Knor.) Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 18, 2010, 71-83.

  122. Quarter-regular biembeddings of Latin squares. (With D. M. Donovan, A. Drapal, T. S. Griggs and J. G. Lefevre.) Discrete Mathematics, 310, 2010, 692-699.

  123. On sparse countably infinite Steiner triple systems. (With K. M. Chicot, T. S. Griggs and B. S. Webb.) Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 18, 2010, 115-122.

  124. A lower bound for the number of orientable triangular embeddings of some complete graphs. (With M. Knor.) Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 100, 2010, 216-225.

  125. An enumeration of minimum genus orientable embeddings of some complete bipartite graphs. (With M. Knor.) Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 73, 2010, 95-102.

  126. Properties of the Steiner triple systems of order 19. (With C. J. Colbourn, A. D. Forbes, T. S. Griggs, P. Kaski, P. R. J. Ostergard, D. A. Pike and O. Pottonen.), Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 17(1), 2010, R98, 30pp.

  127. Some rigid Steiner 5-designs. Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 18, 2010, 392-400.

  128. Third-regular biembeddings of Latin squares. (With D. M. Donovan and T. S. Griggs.) Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 52, 2010, 497-503.

  129. On parity vectors of Latin squares. (With D. M. Donovan, T. S. Griggs and J. G. Lefevre.) Graphs and Combinatorics, 26, 2010, 673-684.

  130. Self-embeddings of cyclic and projective Steiner quasigroups. (With D. M. Donovan, T. S. Griggs, J. G. Lefevre and T. McCourt.) Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 19, 2011, 16-27.

  131. Designs having the parameters of projective and affine spaces. (With D. M. Donovan.) Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 60, 2011, 225-240.

  132. Pasch trades with a negative block. (With A. L. Drizen and T. S. Griggs.) Discrete Mathematics, 311, 2011, 2411-2416.

  133. Biembeddings of Latin squares obtained from a voltage construction. (With M. Knor.) Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 51, 2011, 259-270.

  134. A construction for biembeddings of Latin squares. (With M. Knor.) Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 18(1), 2011, P190, 17pp.

  135. Biembedding Abelian groups with mates having transversals. (With M. Knor.) Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 20, 2012, 81-88.

  136. On the number of designs with affine parameters. (With D. M. Donovan.) Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 63, 2012, 15-27.

  137. On the number of triangular embeddings of complete graphs and complete tripartite graphs. (With M. Knor.)  Journal of Graph Theory, 69, 2012, 370-382.

  138. Biembeddings of metacyclic groups and triangulations of orientable surfaces by complete graphs. (With M. Knor.) Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 19(3), 2012, P29, 17pp.

  139. Even-cycle systems with prescribed automorphism groups. (With T. S. Griggs and G. J. Lovegrove.) To appear in the Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 21(4), 2013, 142-156.

  140. On the number of transversal designs. (With D. M. Donovan.) Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 120, 2013, 1562-1574.

  141. Configurations in bowtie systems. (With T. S. Griggs, G. Lo Faro and A. Tripodi.) Aequationes Mathematicae, 85(3), 2013, 347-358.

  142. Dihedral biembeddings and triangulations by complete and complete tripartite graphs. (With M. Knor.)  Graphs and Combinatorics, 29(4), 2013, 921-932.

  143. Colouring cubic graphs by point-intransitive Steiner triple systems. (With T. S. Griggs, E. Macajova and M. Skoviera.)  Journal of Graph Theory, 74(2), 2013, 163-181.

  144. Maximizing the number of Pasch configurations in a Steiner triple system. (With G. J. Lovegrove.)  Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications, 69, 2013, 25-35.

  145. Doubly even orientable closed 2-cell embeddings of the complete graph. (With T. A. McCourt.) Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 21(1), 2014, #P1.22, 17pp.

  146. Rigid Steiner triple systems obtained from projective triple systems. (With M. Knor.)   Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 22(7), 2014, 279-290.

  147. Biembeddings of 2-rotational Steiner triple systems. (With J. Z. Schroeder.) Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 22(2), 2015, #P2.23, 16pp.

  148. Pasch trades on the projective triple system of order 31. (With M. Knor.) Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 96, 2016, 23-32.

  149. Identical twin Steiner triple systems. (With G. J. Lovegrove) Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 66, 2016, 130-141.

  150. On the number of additive permutations and Skolem-type sequences. (With D. M. Donovan) Ars Mathematica Contemporanea , 14, 2018, 415-432.

  151. On the number of transversals in a class of Latin squares. (With D. M. Donovan) Discrete Applied Mathematics , 235, 2018, 202-205.

  152. Maximum partial triple systems on 16 and 17 points. . (With F. Demirkale and D. M. Donovan) Utilitas Mathematica, 114, 2020, 255-276.

  153. Anti-Pasch optimal packings with triples. (With F. Demirkale and D. M. Donovan) Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 27, 2019, 353-368.

  154. Embedding partial Latin squares in Latin squares with many mutually orthogonal mates. (With D. M. Donovan and E. S. Yazici) Discrete Mathematics, 343, 2020, 111835.

  155. Constructing and embedding mutually orthogonal Latin squares: reviewing both new and existing results. (With D. M. Donovan and E. S. Yazici) Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 61, no. 4, 2020, 437-457.

  156. Anti-Pasch optimal coverings with triples. (With F. Demirkale and D. M. Donovan) Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 29, 2021, 84-113.

  157. Avoidance in bowtie systems . (With T. S. Griggs, G. Lo Faro and A. Tripodi) Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, 22, 2022, #3.07, 12pp.

  158. On maximal partial Latin hypercubes. (With D. M. Donovan and E. S. Yazici) Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 92, 2024, 419-433.

  M. J. Grannell, March 2024.

Contact: Mike Grannell mike.grannell@open.ac.uk