Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology

Energy Research Day Conference

Wednesday 6 March 2013, The Open University, Walton Hall,  Milton Keynes.

Electronic sign welcoming particilpants to the Energy Research Day Conference, 6 March 2013.The Departments of Mathematics & Statistics and  Design, Development, Environment and Materials in the Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology are hosting a day meeting on Energy Research for the UK community.  The meeting will cover a wide range of areas in energy policy and  energy systems and  participation by industry professionals (including those who seek partners in academia) is very much welcome.

All members of the UK Energy Research community are invited to attend the meeting.  Registration is free and lunch and refreshments will be providced free of charge to participants in the conference.  A limited fund is available to assist with  the travel costs of PhD students and early career researchers who wish to attend the meeting.  Please contact Ben Mestel if you require financial assistance. Participants are invited to ofer short talks  (20 - 30 mins) on  their research or open problems, but everybody is most welcome to attend whether presenting or not. Please note that  the programme is now complete, so unfortunately we are unable to accept further offers of  presentations for the conference.

The MCT Faculty has recently made a significant strategic investment in Energy Research with the appointment of a new chair and lecturers in Energy and it is planned to hold regular Energy themed events in the future.

Plenary speakers

Tim Bedford, Professor of Management Science,  Strathclyde University: Modelling Uncertainties in Offshore Turbine Availability
Rui Carvalho, Principal Researcher in the RAVEN project, Queen Mary University of London:  Fair Flows and Robustness in Infrastructure Networks
Tobi Kellner, Renewable Energy Consultant, Centre for Alternative Technology: Zero Carbon Britain – Modelling Future Energy Systems
William J Nuttall, Professor of Energy, The Open University: Nuclear Power and Next Steps in European Electricity Policy
John Young, Energy Forecasting Analyst, National Grid:  Electricity Demand Forecasting and the Problem of Embedded Generation

Conference venue

The conference will be held on Wednesday 6th March 2013 at the Open University in Milton Keynes, in the Michael Young Building. (Directions)

Registration - has now closed.  All enquiries to the organisers.

Please register on the Registration Page as soon as possible and by Thursday, 28 February 2013 at the latest.  Registration is free and includes refreshments and lunch.