SWAT Ontopedia

The idea of an "ontopedia" is to make a dictionary-like index for ontologies, based on single words. For each word you get a list of phrases in which it occurs, corresponding to potential names for classes etc. in an ontology. For each phrase you get a list of the ontologies in which it occurs, with a sample sentence taken from the description generated by SWAT tools. By clicking on the link you find the full description, located in the full text for that ontology.

Examples of "ontopedias" that provide an index to the texts generated by SWAT tools:

Each is made from 100+ ontologies from our corpus, which comes from three sources: Swoogle, ODP (Ontology Design Patterns), and TR (TONES repository).

They are not joined up into one ontopedia because of size problems in Prolog -- the HTML files are enormous in any case.

The bar on the left can make searching easier, but it works only for Swoogle since for now the links are handcrafted.

Ideas on how to improve the design and the implementation are welcome. Should we do a separate HTML file for each letter?

Contact: Richard Power
More information: Open University SWAT project page
Last modified: June 2011
