The European Commission have identified measurable indicators of innovation performance called The Summary Innovation Index (SII) which has been used to rate the innovation performance of countries. This is adapted here in the form of a tool designed to allow you to rate your organisation’s innovation activities, and to help you to understand which factors could be strengthened to establish an innovation friendly culture. Take the Open2-Innova8ion tool and rate the innovation potential of your organisation. This tool is subjective and the results will reflect your perception of innovation in your organisation. The tool guides you through a series of questions, before providing detailed interpretation.
This rating tool should take you about five minutes to complete and will give you feedback on your organisation’s innovative operations. Statements describe indicators of innovation. You are asked to decide if you tend to agree or disagree with each statement. For each statement select the answer which best expresses your experience. Why not rate your organisation’s innovation with some colleagues - it could be revealing to see how different your perceptions may be.
The Open2-Innova8ion Tool uses temporary session cookies to pass the results of the questionnaire to the interpretation webpage. No other data is held and no further data is recorded about you, your selections or your results.