Relating Problem and Solution Structures in Feature Based Software

EPSRC funded project

Principal Investigator: Bashar Nuseibeh

Co-investigators:   Charles Haley
                                Jon Hall
                                Michael Jackson
                                Robin Laney
                                Lucia Rapanotti

Industrial collaborators:    Peter Amey, Praxis High Integrity Systems
                                            David Bush, National Air Traffic Services
                                            Anthony Hall, Independent Consultant
                                            Suzanne Robertson, Atlantic Systems Guild

Project Summary

A clear understanding of the relationships between requirements and architecture structures is important for several reasons. First, because in any system there is a need for architectural stability in the face of changing requirements. Requirements inevitably change over time because of a changing system environment and user needs, but a stable architectural foundation is essential for system dependability. Second, because a reliable development method must be able to proceed from initial requirements to developed software in a systematic way: at the end of the development process it must be clearly demonstrable that the implementation satisfies the requirements. Third, because many systems are feature-based: they either evolve by adding commercially significant increments of function, or belong to product families whose members share a common functional base and differ in the additional features they offer. For feature-based systems, it is particularly important to maintain a coherent mapping between user features and software modules. Adding a new feature often 'breaks the design': that is, it undermines, in ways that are understood neither well enough nor early enough, the assumptions implicit in the software structure that implements existing features. Moreover, features also interact at the requirements level, making it difficult to understand what behaviour should be expected when different features are combined. We propose to investigate the initial development and subsequent maintenance of the relationship between software architectures and the structures of functional requirements that they support. Essentially, our goal is to understand how user functions, or features, can be systematically mapped to software modules, and vice versa, and to make that mapping a practical intellectual tool in software development and maintenance, both in forward and in reverse engineering.

Aims and objectives

The overall aim of this project is to investigate and exploit the relationship between software architectures and the structures of functional requirements that they support. We will therefore study the relationships between problem structures and solution structures. The specific objectives of the project are to:
  1.  investigate the correspondence between problem frames and features, in order to capture features as problem frames, and reason about feature interaction through problem frame composition;
  2. develop practical techniques to identify and exploit matches between problem and solution structures and, where appropriate, to understand the cause of absence of a match;
  3. validate the approach through its application to significant case studies.

Description of proposed research and its context

The Problem

It is now widely recognised that incremental or evolutionary development of software is the rule, not the exception: even where evolution was not initially envisaged by the developers, it is necessitated by feedback from customers and users, by evolving requirements, and by competitive market pressures. The evolutionary dimension highlights the need for clarity in the relationship between changing customer requirements and a stable yet maintainable system structure.

We propose to investigate the initial development and subsequent maintenance of the relationship between software architectures and the structures of functional requirements that they support. Essentially, our goal is to understand how user functions, or features [18], can be systematically mapped to software modules, and vice versa, and to make that mapping a practical intellectual tool in software development and maintenance, both in forward and in reverse engineering. This cannot be a simple one-to-one mapping in which each feature is implemented by one module. Except for some special cases, such a simplification is tenable only for a very small class of trivial  systems, and takes no account of the complexity of realistic systems that provide realistic functionality. Further, we do not expect forward engineering in this manner to result in homogeneous architectures: different features will give rise to different local architectures, so their composition will be architecturally heterogeneous (For example, having some parts in a pipe-and-filter style, some in a blackboard style, and some in a layered style¾it then becomes necessary to compose these heterogeneous parts to achieve solution of the whole problem.)

Importance of the Problem

Clear understanding of this relationship between requirement and architecture structures is important for several reasons. First, because in any system there is a need for architectural stability in the face of changing requirements. Requirements inevitably change over time because of a changing system environment and user needs, but a stable architectural foundation is essential for system dependability. Second, because a reliable development method must be able to proceed from initial requirements to developed software in a systematic¾but not necessarily monotonic¾way: at the end of the development process it must be clearly demonstrable that the implementation satisfies the requirements. Third, because many systems are feature-based: they either evolve by adding commercially significant increments of function, or belong to product families whose members share a common functional base and differ in the additional features they offer. For example, web publishing or XML output may be added to a word processor, an authentication scheme to a co-operative editing system, customer profiling to an e-commerce system, or a large-scale conferencing feature to a telephone switching system.

For feature-based systems, it is particularly important to maintain a coherent mapping between user features and software modules, both for the more general reasons given earlier and as an aid to addressing the feature interaction problem [19, 20]. The feature interaction problem, well known in telephony, has two visible aspects. One is that adding a new feature often ‘breaks the design’: that is, it undermines, in ways that are understood neither well enough nor early enough, the assumptions implicit in the software structure that implements existing features. The other is that features interact also at the requirements level, making it difficult to understand what behaviour should be expected when different features are combined [21].

Existing Approaches

Traditional approaches [22-24] have treated requirements informally, expressing them purely in natural language within an entirely informal structure. The resulting loose grip on the requirements precludes a clear mapping to software modules. At the other extreme, some researchers, and many practitioners, have aimed at seamless processes of refining requirements to software design, in which the software structure is derived stepwise from the requirements structure [25-27]: for example, in [27] a development process is suggested in which the class structure is established at the early analysis stage. Such a refinement process may succeed in many cases, but it does not comfortably handle feature composition. The class clusters of [27], for example, are primarily an organisational tool, and can not be identified with features.

Goal-based approaches can address both functional and non-functional requirements. The non-functional aspects [28, 29], although crucially important, are beyond the scope of the work we propose. On the other hand, the goal-driven requirements engineering approach of KAOS [30] does provide an important form of problem structuring, but we consider it inadequate in two respects: first, goal structuring is liable to conceal a feature-based structure of requirements; and second, it does not provide a sound basis for understanding incremental development as it does not make a distinction between identifying and solving problems and addressing the composition of the subproblems and their solutions.

In the work on design patterns [31, 32] each pattern is related to a briefly stated problem; but the focus of the work is on small-scale solution structures. Design patterns do raise the level of granularity above that of individual object classes, but not high enough to correspond to deliverable features. Framework [33] are on a larger scale, but a framework corresponds to a tailorable, partially implemented system rather than to a feature that can be configured with other features. Similarly, Fowler’s analysis patterns [34] offer one of the few approaches to identifying recurring problems. However, like design patterns, while they do raise the granularity of the problem above programming problems [35], they are not high enough to correspond to deliverable features. In contrast, problem frames [6] can be seen as a form of problem pattern, with problems of varying degrees of complexity being addressed by collections of problem frames, represented collectively in a problem diagram.

Most work on the relationship between requirements and software architecture has focused on architecturally driven approaches [36, 37]. For example, Shaw and Garlan’s notion of architectural styles offers intriguing possibilities of relating such styles to the problem world, however, this is never explored, and architectural styles remain, at best, general architectural design patterns. Their early work on ADLs (Wright) is important in providing an abstract notion of connectors and enabling corresponding tool support. Additionally, their work on the Acme ADL provides a form of meta-ADL, in which multiple architectural styles can be supported and integrated. Their work extends the utility of architectural support, but does not show directly how to move between requirements and architecture. An exception is the CBSP approach [38], which bridges the gap between requirements and architecture by a process in which individuals’ functional requirements are judged to entail architectural choices. There are certain similarities between the CBSP approach and the approach we propose. But we believe that the very lightweight notion of a requirement in CBSP makes it difficult to be explicit about the finer-grain relationships to architectures. Further, the CBSP work pays little attention to the composition of subproblems, and the associated concerns. We regard composition as a fundamental aspect, corresponding as it does to the issues surrounding feature interaction.

In recent years, domain engineering research [39] has regained momentum in the context of software product line development [40]. While the development of product lines is precisely the kind of application area for our proposed work¾indeed it is a one of the drivers of our research¾domain engineering research has not offered the kinds of domain abstractions [41, 42] that are needed to relate problem to solution structures promised by earlier work [43].
In summary, existing approaches have not succeeded to anything like the extent needed: moving between functional requirement structures and software architectures is still a difficult, obscure, and error-prone journey in both directions.

Using Problem Frames

The approach we propose will be based on the use of problem frames [6], extending and broadening work we have already done in this area [1, 2, 10]. A problem frame captures a class of small and simplified application problems that are well understood: for example, transforming a lexical input (such as a source program) to a lexical output (a machine-code program); or controlling a part of the real world (such as the throttle of a motor-car) in response to an operator’s commands; or providing timely information about some part of the world (such as information about constantly changing prices in a stock exchange). Problems of realistic scale are decomposed into subproblems, each fitting a known problem frame. Initially, each subproblem is treated as a pure instance of the simplified frame it fits, allowing the analysis and design knowledge associated with the frame to be directly applied to its characteristic problem concerns.

This initial decomposition intentionally ignores the composition concerns that arise from inter-subproblem relationships. These composition concerns may be trivial—for example, two orthogonal subproblems may demand no more than simple conjunction for their composition—or they may give rise to fresh subproblems in their own right. For example, two subproblems with rich interactions may demand an explicit scheduler to control their execution, and possibly an explicitly designed data structure to mediate their interactions. To take another example, two subproblems may have conflicting requirements and must be placed in an environment in which one takes priority over the other. (It is worth observing, incidentally, that such priority can be more easily implemented in a pipe-and-filter architecture than, for example, in a blackboard architecture.)

The Value of Problem Frames

The value of problem frames for our proposed work is that they bring together requirements concerns and software structure concerns at a useful intermediate level of abstraction and granularity. We believe that features, that is, commercially and practically useful increments of functionality¾can be shown to correspond closely to subproblems. Each problem frame has essentially three parts: a problem domains part, corresponding to the part of the world where the problem is located; a requirement part, corresponding to the behaviour that the customer demands in the problem domain; and a machine part, corresponding to the software/hardware machine that will ensure that the requirement is satisfied.

For example, Figure 1 shows the problem frame for simple Information Display problems. There are two problem domains: the Real World, about which information is required, and the Information Display, where the information must be shown. There is a machine, here called the Display Machine. And there is a requirement, in this case a stipulation that the data of the Display must correspond in a certain way to the state of the Real World. The annotations on the connecting lines indicate the phenomena concerned and their locus of control: for example, the interface between the Display Machine and the Information Display is controlled by the Display Machine. The emphasis on a clear distinction between the problem domains and the hardware/software machine to be built is particularly important: functional requirements are always about the problem domains and the effects produced there by the machine.

Figure 1
                     Figure 1: Simple Information Display Problem Frame

The initial decomposition into subproblems is therefore a structuring of the overall requirements into subproblem requirements: we believe that these will be found to correspond to features. At the same time it is a decomposition of the software into subproblem machines, corresponding to a tentative identification of the system’s software modules. Additional modules arise from the subproblems introduced to address composition concerns. The resulting modular structure is subject to further systematic perturbations, including some forms of what is currently known in the object-oriented community as refactoring [44], to produce the final software architecture.

Benefits of Success

If our work, based on this approach, is successful, it will allow us to present a coherent view of the relationship between functional requirements and architectures, and a coherent practice of both forward and reverse engineering. The relationship between requirements and architectures is not a simple mapping between function types and architectural styles; rather, it arises from the concerns of composing heterogeneous features. The forward engineering practice can contribute substantially to a reliable approach to software development, starting from a sound identification of separately implementable features in a large body of requirements and arriving at a software architecture. The reverse engineering practice is advantageous for two reasons. First, because software development is inevitably iterative: developers must be able to move easily between deriving software architecture from requirements and identifying the constraints that architectural choices already made place on the requirements that can be supported. Second, because maintenance of existing software by addition of functional increments demands a clear analysis of the compatibility, or incompatibility, between the existing architecture and the proposed new function.


Methodologically, we hope to validate a number of hypotheses on which the approach is based. In practice, because no approach to software development can be universally valid, this will mean identifying the ranges within which such hypotheses are valid. The hypotheses to be validated are these:

We will use case studies in the development and validation of the approach. The case studies will be taken from our industrial collaborators and publicly available open source and COTS products. They will be used to identify features and functional increments, to specify problem frames and software architectures, to analyse their relationships, and to test our hypotheses.


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